Contact Information:
Danelle Moon
Special Collections Hours
M, T, Th 11-6
W 11-8
F 11-5
Sat 1-5
The beginning of the school term is always an exciting time for students, parents, and faculty, but it is also a time when student anxiety is quite high, especially for new students. Navigating the campus and learning how to access the library can be very scary for some, and darn right intimidating for others. Whether you are a freshman, transfer student, or graduate student, the library should be your comfort zone. Here in the King Library, the University librarians are happy to help you as you learn to navigate the campus and library.
Here in Special Collections we are frequently the last consulted and the most feared, mostly due to the requirements we need to enforce to secure and maintain our unique and rare collections. It is my goal that students, and especially history and secondary education students will find the collections and department staff a refuge for research and for developing the skills needed to be successful in your programs and in your future endeavors as educators. What this means in plain language is that we are interested in supporting your needs for accessing primary source materials, and will provide hands-on discovery experiences through a variety of courses, and by providing access to our collection holdings.
One thing I hope you will learn from your research experiences here at SJSU is that first and foremost the librarians are here to help you succeed. Second and equally important, I can offer specific counseling on accessing primary sources here on campus and beyond, and I encourage you to contact me directly. My name is Danelle Moon, and I am the Director of the SJSU Special Collections & Archives, and I have expertise as an archivist and U.S. historian and would be glad to schedule individual and group counseling sessions. I also have lots experience teaching a variety of U.S History courses, including courses in the SJSU History Department. My research is focused on California and the West, and U.S. Women’s History, but my current research is focused on Women and Politics since the passage of the 19th Amendment, with a specific focus on feminists and peace activists during the Post-World War I era.
You can contact me through the SJSU Special Collection Website [link is to the right of this message], or just give me a ring at 408/808-2061.
In your exploration of this blog you will find that the design is focused on presenting various resource tools and information that will help you in developing primary source literacy, using both print and visual resources, and using specific history databases. Periodically I will post archival topics that will help you gain a deeper understanding using primary sources in your own research, but will also illustrate the craft of historians, and provide visual representations as part of this process.
Welcome to SJSU and I hope to hear
Labels: Primary Sources, SJSU Special Collections, Welcome